Personal Mastery Secrets for Women — Yashica's Intuition

I have slots available for 1:1 private coaching. Coaching is perfect for you if you’ve tried to make changes,gain a sense of direction, and take action steps but fall flat or need help—> Book a free consultation!

Yashica's Intuition

Update: What I've been up to

yashica crumpton

In this video I discuss some big changes I've been up to and hope that you choose to join me on my new journey. If you want to learn tarot or astrology, reach out and I'll send you info about my previous classes otherwise stay tuned for the big announcement!


○ How to Change When You Feel Lost or Stuck -

○ How to Find Your Life's Purpose -

○ How to Make Better Decisions -

○ How to Overcome Fear -

○ How to Be More Disciplined -

○ Do This When you Feel Discouraged -

Life update: Life struggles as a woman leader in healthcare

yashica crumpton

I have some upsetting news! Even when things are going well, life can throw you a curveball that feels like a struggle.

A few days ago we received unexpected news that a dear member of our family unexpectedly. Many of you have reached out to share your kind words and we appreciate that. Here are a few updates I want to leave you with as I will be taking some time off

1. Daily lives will resume on November 16- We are going over the book study on The Mastery of Love

2. The podcast will resume November 21... stay tuned because the theme of Nov is "How to let go of the past"

3. If you are in The Personal Mastery Membership, I will be sending updates soon but I sent you an email with more details a few weeks ago so make sure you check it. You will still have a new module on "how to let go, how to detach, how to move forward" uploaded on our regular schedule Nov 7th

4. My private clients are still a priority and will not experience any interruption of their services although I was in the middle of a big upgrade of the modules and was adding tons of content. All of the initial content is still there, but If you are a client or a prior client, you have access to upgrades and I always try to update information to share what I'm learning. I will resume that upgrade in a couple weeks and it should be done sometime in December 2021.

I appreciate the love and support we've received from you all.

We'll talk soon,


 Don’t live a little, live a mastery!

How to understand your feelings and emotions

yashica crumpton

In today’s livestream I’ll be discussing how to understand your feelings and emotions via our book study subject: a book review on The Mastery of Love by Don Miguel Ruiz. This is a powerful book that will change the way that you look at life if you let it and it will give some of the best tips on how to understand your feelings and emotions. If you want to learn how to overcome the fact that your brain sometimes tricks you into thinking and emotions that cause you to self sabotage personally and professionally and learn how to live life from a more powerful space, then join us and learn how to understand feelings and emotions.

As a healthcare leader, I’m passionate about helping women in healthcare leadership decrease stress, feel more balanced, and most of all strengthen a connection to the powerful woman that you are. I do this livestream to help you if you are tired of playing small in life and/or are tired of holding yourself back and learn tips and strategies to move past blocks in ways that you may not have considered before.  

Join me daily Mon-Thurs at 7pm CST

I also have a totally free 5 video course if you want to learn more about how you can implement the tips and strategies that I talk about to help you approach your personal and professional life as the best version of yourself which is how you get the most out of all areas of life. 

To gain access to the FREE class immediately, text the word “mastery” to to 833-231-4407

Like what you heard and want me to help you? I work with women in healthcare leadership to help them restore balance and decrease stress by increasing your confidence, helping you overcome limiting behaviors, and teaching you how to create meaning and purpose by helping you re-connect to your inner self and what matters to you most.

👉🏾👉🏾 If you are ready to get serious about moving past negative blocks and developing the confidence and motivation to finally move forward and never look back, this is for you👇🏾👇🏾

Learn how I can help you make lasting changes with private coaching via my proven method.

Season 3 of the Podcast has launched! Women in Healthcare Leadership, this is for you!

yashica crumpton

There’s some exciting changes I’m bringing for Season 3. Especially if you are a woman that’s a leader in healthcare. I guarantee there is not another podcast like this that combines spirituality and science and is focused on you realizing your full potential so you are a stronger leader not just in your professional life, but in your personal life. You are more powerful than you know and I’m going to teach women in healthcare leadership how to unlock their potential and live life from their power place.

Listen to the new episode here!

Don’t live a little, live a mastery!

Best Spiritual Membership Ever- how to create a spiritual practice and create a better life

yashica crumpton

Did you hear?


What if I told you that there was a way for you to improve your life and connect to other people like you that are serious about improving themselves and elevating their spiritual practice?

There are groups that fall under the guise of being spiritual yet they don't ever tie that spirituality to the real world in order for it to make practical sense.

Or there are groups that go hardcore on personal development but never mention the power of spirituality and the role that it plays in our lives.

You don't have to choose either or... you can have both. I just created the Yashica's Intuition® Personal Mastery Membership and it's designed to teach you develop the skills, knowledge, and discipline that you need to live your life with more purpose and vision and become more aligned with your intuition and your authentic self.

I created this membership after years of trying to find something similar for myself and never finding it.

I'm excited because when you learn how to live a life that is aligned with your values, you can accomplish a lot in life.

✔️ Continuous Improvement and Growth

✔️ A sense of purpose

✔️ The ability to achieve things you never imagined

✔️ And more....

You have the tools that you need to finally commit to a life where you aren't stuck or letting your dreams pass you by... you will find yourself able to connect to abundance in your finances, your relationships, and more + be at peace with yourself.

This is my vision for this membership. I want it to be a space where we come together and work together to help each other make real progress in our lives and build strong relationships that keep us striving towards success.

The membership has been going strong and in addition to the benefits you'll receive from the membership month to month, you get immediate access to our past lessons such as:

✔️ Learning how to regulate your thoughts and emotions

✔️ Goal setting for success

✔️ Connecting with your values

✔️ Eliminating excess and clutter from your life

✔️ Human Design

✔️ Laws of the Universe (for mastering your life)

✔️ How to love yourself

✔️ Becoming a powerful manifestor

✔️ Continuous Improvement and Growth

✔️ And more....

Here's the thing though... The price of the membership is increasing from $24 a month to $47 a month. Now is the time to lock in your discount before prices increase August 23rd.


Come learn more about the membership and you can join us here.


What does a life coach do - is it worth it?

yashica crumpton

You don't have to do it alone!

I currently have spots open to take on private coaching clients. Watch the video above to learn more.

Check out the things that I can help you with

  • Improve your life, relationships, and career

  • Help you clarify goals

  • Assist you in identifying issues that holding you back and helping you overcome them

  • And more.


If you experience dissatisfaction, unfulfillment, and blocks, coaching may be right for you.


Imagine if you could achieve

  • Better relationships

  • Satisfaction in your life and career

  • Communicate authentically because you are connected to your true self

  • Develop a sense of purpose

  • And more.


The main benefit of working with me aside from achieving your goals faster include

  • Getting support from someone you can trust

  • Creating motivation and momentum in your life

  • Getting you unstuck

  • Helping you get clear about meaningful goals

  • And holding you accountable so you don't give up on yourself


I love this article as well if you want to learn more about coaching and I have some testimonials here if you are interested. . If you are ready to approach your life with an open heart and mind and make key changes that WILL impact your life forever, BOOK A FREE CALL. We'll have a quick 20min Zoom call to see if coaching is a good fit for you and get you started right away.


How to protect your energy from being drained

yashica crumpton

In August, I'm holding a FREE class to teach you how to protect your energy. This class is for you if you ever find yourself picking up on the energy of other people or places. Watch the video below to learn more.

I’ve written about energy and boundaries before in this article but it’s something we all struggle with sometimes so I thought I would create a free class.

  • Sometimes we can let the negativity of others impact us so we will talk about how to overcome that too.

  • Or maybe... Other people take and take until there is no more energy to give leaving us drained and depleted.

This class is the solution.

You will learn:

*How to energetically block negative energy

*Tips To be able to disconnect from negativity

*How to identify the source of negative energy

*To quickly restore your own energy reserves

*How to send protection to others

*How to use other tools to increase energetic protection

* How to Understand the different levels of being an empath and how to shift to a level of healthy empathy.

And More!!!

I will provide all the information and materials needed. You just show up. Register via this link

Tips for Empaths | How to protect yourself from negativity

Spiritualityyashica crumpton

Free Online Class- Learn to Protect your Energy

Tips for Empaths | How to protect yourself from negativity

Let's take a little quiz together:

Sometimes we can find ourselves feeling anxious, depressed or drained after being around certain people or being in certain circumstances? Relatable right?

Or do the negative feelings of others impact us in a negative way?

Or maybe we can feel like we feel all our feels plus everyone elses and we end up feeling emotionally and energetically drained.

Check this out... maybe depression, feeling depleted, and emotionally exhaustion creep up and it's hard to understand why.

Just because there is negativity around or just because a  momentary feeling of being down creeps in, must understand that it doesn't have to cause long term implications.

There is a way to stay grounded, protect our energy, and vibrate higher.

Let me show you how in my new, free Protect Your Energy Class

Follow this link to learn more and register now.

 Read Me