june 2021 solar eclipse — Personal Mastery Secrets for Women — Yashica's Intuition

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Yashica's Intuition

june 2021 solar eclipse

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini 2021

yashica crumpton

In this video I discuss the astrology of the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini 2021.

The new moon solar eclipse will occur on 10 June in Gemini at 19 degrees 47', conjunct Mercury, trine Saturn and square Neptune.

I will be posting a more in depth report soon for those that like to read my reports. It will be live here on the blog soon.

As I mentioned in this video, On June 6th, I'll be holding a totally FREE Learn to Love Yourself challenge. This is a SELF LOVE challenge that will bring you closer to your inner self so you can stop all the negativity and disrespect you inflict on yourself and learn to forgive yourself... to be more kind and loving towards yourself... to move forward more confidently.

WHAT NEXT: Interested in an in-depth natal chart reading to reveal specific information regarding your life purpose, your relationships.... like an owners manual for your life? You can book a natal chart reading here: https://yashica.samcart.com/products/natal-chart-reading

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