Yashica's Intuition

Full Moon in Virgo February 2021 Astrology

yashica crumpton

The full moon in Virgo was on February 27, 2021 and this article will reveal how this full moon will impact you. but first, join me on Clubhouse Feb 28, 2021 as my dear friends Natalie, Tracy, and I discuss this full moon in a live discussion and give you some tips and rituals you can use to help you work with the power of this powerful full moon. Follow me and turn on notifications over on Clubhouse- I’m @yashicalind


Whenever there is a Full Moon, the Sun is Opposite the Moon which means they are not moving in alignment. If you think about what that could mean, it means the conscious and subconscious… or the heart and mind… may not be in alignment. I have spoken about this numerous times so if you want to know more about it, you can visit this article. The bottom line, though, is that there is tension. I believe this is tension between the physical world you experience with your senses vs the spiritual world that you can’t often explain with manmade laws.

The energy doesn’t necessarily mean that it feels different but that it may be expressed differently and the key for you is to strive for balance between the expression of Virgo and Pisces… both energies that want things to be ideal in their own ways. The ideal expression of the spirit and the all or the ideal expression of the practical, mundane everyday life. 

The balance that you should be looking for is to bring heaven to earth and make it useful. Navigating life is never going to be as perfect as we want it to be so avoiding escapism, drugs & alcohol, depression, perfection, anxiety…. All of the things that cause us not to be present and lead to heightened inaction… those are to be avoided.

Venus and the Sun are bringing to your awareness more peace, harmony, and positivity with love. You are able to recognize and understand how to bring more love and romance into your life, tap into creativity, and use it to help you make money or do something positive in a practical way. This is a time where you are more attractive than usual and a time where you can make things more beautiful than usual… think decorating. It is very sensual so watch out for sacrificing your boundaries or overdoing things.

I feel like the uplifting parts of this transit will be felt if you are comfortable being true to yourself and not willing to make decisions that you know aren’t right for you for the sake of getting your emotional needs met… your feelings will usually be deceptive when you aren’t in a healthy place. 

This can then also trigger issues in crappy relationships or circumstances so that you can address them in an appropriate way.

If you struggle with transcending your emotions to approach your life in a way that I teach that’s connected to mastery and self awareness and self discipline, then you will need to be careful that you don’t try to self soothe in an unhealthy manner.

Jupiter and Mercury are playing well together bringing positive energy to your hopes and dreams. There is optimism and positive thinking here and as you integrate things that heighten your focus on your hopes and dreams, you will find that positive results will follow.

I love this for future hopes and plans and you may find that if you’ve been in a slump, that ideas start coming left and right so be prepared to write them down. You may find it harder to be present because you will be so distracted in your own world so make sure you allow yourself, and others, grace. As I have stated before, this energy will mean that you think more strategically and deliberately before acting and maintain more discipline over your thoughts since they control things.

Uranus and this Full Moon may bring some intuition that a change is coming even if you don’t know what it is. I feel like since the energy is positive so don’t be afraid to step outside of the box and do things a little different than you normally would. If you are one that is connected to your intuition, it could steer you towards some positive incidences. This is an energy that I also see as bringing in unexpected positivity and instances in love and finances.

If you have struggled to get rid of things that don’t serve you and adopt things that will propel you towards what you intend to have in your life. Let go, detox your mind, body, and spirit. The thing about flowing with energy is that it will be easier to do it in this season than if you had only relied on your own willpower.

To take advantage of this pop of luck fully, please don’t be afraid to bring in structure and discipline where you need it but to also shake things up when needed. Also, remember to trust that you are on the right track even if you don’t see evidence when and how you think you should IF you are honest with yourself about living life in alignment with your vision.

For all the stumbles I see, I also see that your mind is pointed towards a better future for yourself, you feel more confident and assertive to take action in that direction, and luck is on your side… all this is possible if you are moving in the direction towards a life of meaning and purpose and not being delusional trying to hold onto what doesn’t serve you.

Now for next steps, If you would like to learn more about how you can learn how to manifest with the power of this full moon and also learn how to use the new moon to manifest, the next step would be for you to check out this FREE Manifesting with the Moon Class

How this New Moon in Aquarius February 2021 will impact you- Happy New Moon & Happy Lunar New Year

yashica crumpton

I love this new moon because it helps you how to slow down, be more intentional, and be more deliberate. It is good for love and money, which is perfect for this upcoming Valentine’s day. This is a welcomed positive energy if you know how to use it correctly (text the word MASTERY to 833-231-4407 to learn how to manifest with the moon). The caveat is that it doesn’t come without challenges. Read on to learn more about how this New Moon in Aquarius will impact you and join me for a discussion on Clubhouse on 2/11 at 6p PST. I’m @yashicalind over there. Also, remember that I do free new moon tarot readings on a first come, first serve basis. For this New Moon, free readings start at 7p PST. You can find my FB group here.

Right of the bat, I see great energy because I think that even if you may have been feeling like an emotional rollercoaster or super reactionary, this is a time where you are able to communicate your thoughts and feelings more easily which opens the door for you to express yourself in a way that is conducive to relationships and at the same time will help facilitate your own healing.

All those downloads and intuitive insights can make a little more sense right now, even though they could also be triggering for more emotional reactions. Still beware of knowing the difference between true intuitive insight and things that are more emotional like instinct or ineffective thinking.

The heart and mind coordination that I’ve been teaching you about the past few days is more easily accessible right now as well as that intuitive insight that I mentioned in the Mercury Retrograde discussion. This is partly due to a connection that has opened between your mind and your subconscious. This channel can also bring up deep seated shadow issues… things that you may not have been aware of previously, that come to the surface, but this is for the purposes of greater self-awareness and greater healing.

The Sun is making angles that play well with a couple of planets which lends itself to increased mental alertness. Since the majority of us are used to living life from our mental headspace, the main concern that I have here is that you will definitely need to make sure to use the mind as a tool rather than use it as a controller to run the show.

For example, if your heart and intuition are telling you that you are in a toxic relationship, you don’t use your mind to rationalize staying… think of it like a guardian angel…. Does that angel want you to be in a situation where you are disrespected? Probably not. So when I say use your mind as a tool, your heart may be helping to guide you to make tough but necessary decisions and when you are using your mind in a healthy way, it can help you think about ways that you can leave the toxic relationship or next steps to get out of a toxic situation… not rationalize you staying… which is they way that you may tend to use your mind even if it’s not the best for you.

Those of you prone to living in your head, take care that the transits I see can heighten this.

This is a good time to learn new things, to write, and to possibly address things that you may have had issues addressing in the past.

A lot of this Aquarian energy that is not playing well with Mars right now. It is calling you to relieve a challenge or some possible tension in your life in some way by acting of some sort. With this new moon, I see irritation, passion, and anger. I think that some things that are building up inside of you may have not been dealt with appropriately. Maybe you hold things back or haven’t been able to communicate or understand things clearly, or maybe you just are unaware of some things in your life that need more attention. These transits are giving you the opportunity to channel this energy in a way that will allow a healthy release if done in an objective, mature, open minded way. You may feel this as a challenge but think about the opportunity that is available to you as well.

You can also release this information via physical activity of some sort if you don’t overdo it.

One thing that you will also need to be aware of is communicating more slowly and less impulsively and give yourself time to process and understand information outside of your feelings as there may be more to the data, messages, or information that you initially take in.

While there are some positive aspects of this energy when it comes to loving communication and favorable financial transactions, take care to realize that we are in a retrograde so adjust accordingly.

As you move thru some of the challenges I mentioned, there is this injection of + information. I feel like there is an heir of lightness and optimism that comes with this moon. If things have been feeling a little dark, there may feel like there is a little light at the end of the tunnel.

There is also an ease and flow with this energy that you may not have felt in a while so take care to tap into a mindset of abundance and set your sights on your intentions. If the things that you desire require the assistance of other, this is the time to put yourself out there. You are very attractive right now.

As I have mentioned ad nauseum in the past, the energy between Saturn and Uranus is still present which is causing tensions that result in lasting changes. If you understand how to live from the inside out, you understand that your core and your security comes from within. From that space, you understand that you need to be agile and adaptable. You need to pay attention. You need to understand that if things are coming up or you feel blocked about creating that you want, just make sure you have a plan and from that space do the work. Trust that you are moving in the right direction if you are doing the work but don’t be afraid to tweak or add new things to your skillset if you feel unsure or your life is showing you evidence that things aren’t at least heading in the direction you would like. Have a big vision, brainstorm the plan to get to the vision, and take baby steps forward.

Here is a Clubhouse discussion turned Podcast about all things New Moon

There you have it, some positive energy that you can use for your highest and best good is building. If you want to take a class that teaches you specifically how to manifest with new moons and full moons, take my FREE class, Manifesting with the Moon.




how to live a better life- try this philosophy

yashica crumpton

In this video I discuss how to live a better life through principles of personal mastery.

Personal Mastery is about growth and evolution through developing a sense of purpose, a vision for where you want your life to go, shifting your beliefs and your mindset, commitment to yourself, discipline to go after the things that you want, and the knowledge of self.

Living up to your true potential so that you can get the most out of life is important because you elevate not only the quality of who you become but you also elevate the results that you experience in your life circumstances and relationships.

The reason why I am unique is that I also incorporate spiritual tools such as Tarot cards and astrology because I believe they are powerful tools to give you information that you need to take a proactive approach to your life and to shift energy accordingly in however direction you desire.

I just wanted to take this time while I made myself a quick breakfast before getting to work to just introduce myself and say hi to all the new faces. I appreciate you joining me on this journey.

WHAT NEXT: ○ Take this 5 part class to help you shift your mindset and tap into some powerful energy https://yashica-crumpton.mykajabi.com/class

How to achieve heart and mind coordination

yashica crumpton

So, I thought I would create this article to break down heart and mind coordination a little further since it can be a difficult topic to grasp albeit an important one.

What is the connection between the heart and the mind?

One of the foundations of what I do involves melding Intuition with Intellect so when we think of heart and mind coordination, on an intellectual level understand that the heart and the mind are similar in that they have memory, help make decisions, etc. Also note, on a simplistic level, the heart and mind communicate very closely. The heart works via electrical impulses that control the heart beat. If the heart is beating optimally, other parts of the body work well… including the brain. When these things are working in sync, the body emits a high frequency/high energy/high vibe which facilitates your ability to generate power and attract what you want out of life.

Heart and mind coordination, when broken down, look a variety of ways depending on the person and the beliefs they subscribe to.


Should you follow your mind or your heart?

 The important thing to recognize is that most of the time, the heart is where the true desires sit. It is where your soul lies and where your hopes and dreams arise. It’s the space that you tap into when you want to live in alignment with your soul’s desires. Usually, when you check in with your heart, you will see that it wants what’s best for you… better relationships, better circumstances, a better, more evolved life and then your mind is a tool that will help you think about what you need to connect to the things that get you closer to your dream… if you use it correctly

Because of our conditioning and past negative experiences, though, you may tend to minimize the voice of your heart or confuse it with impulses, instincts, and compulsions. As a sidenote, if you feel like you struggle to understand and connect to your intuition, this masterclass will break it all the way down for you.

You may also think that you are using your mind effectively as a tool… claiming that you are using logic… which is rare by the way because almost 80% of the actions/decisions you make are emotionally based whereas logic involves more objectivity where you draw conclusions based more on fact.

What usually occurs is that you make decisions based on emotions, impaired thinking or ineffective thinking, or via rationalizing a circumstance by trying to explain things from your limited thinking which may not always be true or appropriate. When you combine the fact that you may not have a healthy connection to your heart or to your mind, you can see “how heart and mind coordination” can go the opposite direction as well and push you further from the life that you desire.

Enhancing heart mind coordination

This highlights the importance of having a healthy connection of your heart and mind in order to help propel you towards your dreams. When the two are working together positively, then you are able to align with the energy that I believe miracles are made of… the alignment with a power much greater than your own… a power that is much more effective than your own limits.

This is the difference between you trying to change the world by your own force and power vs allowing the world to change to accommodate you.

One last thing that you can do if you struggle with heart and mind coordination or are confused with something is try this activity I read about once, but I can’t remember where I found it… I’m sorry, it’s been a while. I know it was a therapist though. He/she suggested that you sit in a chair and pretend that you are your heart and speak from your heart, then switch chairs and pretend you are your mind and speak from the mind. The voice of the two when you are pretending are going to sound very different. Usually, the heart will sound more like your intuition or your true values and while pretending to speak as your mind, you usually speak out of fear, or opinions, or limiting beliefs, or try to rationalize things.

This exercise usually will provide you with the clarity needed to understand which voice is your true self and begin to take steps in the direction of your highest and best good.

This is a powerful exercise and if you try it, I would love for you to comment below and let me know how it worked for you.

As a bonus, in this Clubhouse turned Podcast, I discuss how to achieve heart and mind coordination via a Clubhouse replay in the form of a podcast since some of you don't have clubhouse.

This discussion is all about heart and mind coordination. I answer the question about what is heart and mind coordination, how to achieve heart and mind coordination, why heart and mind coordination is important, and how to heart and mind coordination to manifest

If you have Clubhouse, follow me and share my profile. I'm @yashicalind over there and I will be discussing the February 2021 New Moon soon.

WHAT NEXT: ○ Take the FREE 5 part course that I mentioned in the video by texting the word INTUITION to 833-231-4407

How to stop procrastinating

yashica crumpton

What is procrastination?

Procrastination is a habit that most unsuccessful people develop. It involves you putting of things until the last minute or past an agreed upon deadline… real or imagined. 

What causes procrastination? Why do you procrastinate?

Some experts say that there are 4 types of procrastinators: 

1) Those that put things off until the last minute (those addicted to stress, lack energy to start things, perfectionists)

2) Those that are already stretched too thin (can’t say no then feel lazy because you are putting things off because your body intuitively knows you need a break from doing all the time)

3) About 90% of my clients, even I do this sometimes, think that they are too busy to “get things done”, ironically, if this is you, you may find that you aren’t getting anything done that really makes a different in progressing your life. Truly busy people are getting shit done? They are hitting their goals, they are making things happen. Are you? If you aren’t, then what are you doing? I bet it’s one of two things…. Either you aren’t doing value added things, you are avoiding the real work that needs to be done, or you literally don’t want to do the work but you don’t want to be honest and admit that you don’t want to do it.

4) You lack focus. You get hooked on the next best thing instead of having the intention, dedication, and focus to see things through to the end. You move on to the latest thing without ever developing consistency to see results-- this results in burnout. It can also make you feel like you are “busy” as well. 

The majority of how we move thru life is a result of how we feel about things and when you develop the habit of procrastination, what you are essentially doing is letting the way you feel about something supercede you getting on task. I teach this to my private clients and in the membership. 

How to overcome procrastination

  1. Live by a schedule and honor it- every week I think about what I need to do and when it needs to be done and most of the time, I stick to it… even if I don’t feel like it. Especially if it’s a task I’m not excited about it. I just to it and I find that once I get started, I often have the energy to power through and get more done than I normally would and I find that since I am not turning in things at the 11th hour, when I walk away from the task, I am often able to gain creative insights to then have time to come back and make things better, which ends up benefiting me in the long run.

  2. If you have a habit of overbooking yourself and procrastinate out of exhaustion. Take a break. Taking this break will allow you to come back and do some of your best work once you are reenergized. Building in rest time and hustle time is the key to success and procrastinating adds underlying stress that knowingly or unknowingly negatively impacts your overall wellness.

  3. If you use the excuse of being too busy as a reason to procrastinate, it’s time to do an honest check in with yourself. Do a life audit in all important areas of your life. Does your sense of being busy align with the results that you are experiencing? If not, what do you need to do to tighten it up and recalibrate and focus on the real work that needs to occur to make things happen and don’t be afraid to dig a little deeper to uncover what you might possibly be avoiding. In The Personal Mastery Membership, we have modules to walk you through how to reset and recalibrate. Learn more here.

  4. Keep a notebook. I have a goal notebook and I teach my private clients a technique that I use in my own life where I write down inspired events so that I come back to them later if they light me up or if I feel stuck in life but I try to have a quarterly plan of action that causes me to stay consistent and focused on a strategy that will actually get me the outcome that I desire.

  5. Learn about personal mastery and practice it. If you want to be successful in life you have to learn how to step outside of your feels to do what’s right. In fact, you could end up causing yourself more stress because if you know there is something you really want or need to do and you don’t do it, the avoidance ends up eating you up inside because your awareness won’t let you escape your lack of integrity and inability to do what you know you need to do. Ironically, though… in this case, you probably end up feeling more badly which in turn increases the procrastination. Look for ways to help yourself become more intrinsically motivated to complete tasks… without the feels. No matter how you feel, what is the next best step, albeit small, that you can take to move in the right direction towards what you should be doing?

  6. Get help. I work with highly driven professionals that want to live a life with more meaning and purpose, but may feel lost about what to do or how to get closer to the life they desire. This might be you too. Maybe you’ve tried on your own and you need support and accountability that a coach could provide you. I have helped clients improve their mindset, their health, their income, their sense of purpose and direction, and more. You can learn more about how I can help you as your coach by checking out this link.

Mercury Retrograde January 2021 Predictions

yashica crumpton

We just started the first Mercury Retrograde off 2021. What does that mean exactly and how will the retrograde affect you? Listen to this Clubhouse replay that I turned into a podcast for those of you that don't have Clubhouse yet. If you have clubhouse, please follow me. I'm @yashicalind over there

WHAT NEXT: ○ Learn everything you need to know about your intuition in this comprehensive class, complete with class materials I promise you haven't taken a class about your intuition like this EVER!

This is a value packed class all about how to tap into your intuition but it's not the same ole cookie cutter advice that you always receive. This is the exact level of science + spirituality that you have been waiting for to decrease confusion.

This is a live replay of an awesome class that I did in September where I walk you through steps on how to tap into your intuition, how to hear it, how to distinguish it from fear and anxiety, and how to trust it.

***Bonus*** it also comes with a copy of my Amazon Ebook, "The Beginner's Guide to Intuition."- 👉🏾👉🏾👉🏾

How the first retrograde of 2021 will affect you

yashica crumpton
How the first mercury retrograde of 2021 will affect you

Our first Mercury Retrograde starts officially from Jan 30th to Feb 20th with some shadow periods already in progress so we truly aren’t out of the Retrograde until March. 

Our feelings and our emotions are not on the same page with this Mercury retrograde and it will create a contrasting energy that you will have to be ready to navigate if you want to realize the opportunity within this Mercury Retrograde. This involves trying to find a way to merge these energies so that you land somewhere in the middle of what can seem to be opposite ends of the spectrum. In this case, there is Virgo and Aquarius energy that we need to be aware of. It is a very frustrating energy so cooperation is the key.

So… here you have these energies that you need to try to balance out. Virgo is this Earth energy that is very practical and likes to make things useful so that they can be of service to us and/or so we can be of service to others. Therefore, people say that Virgo is attached to a sense of discernment. Virgo is a judgmental energy that wants to classify and organize things in order to understand things down to the detail, thru that comprehension, correct what needs to be improved, and in an effort to evolve, on the spiritual plane into a “guru” of some sort, take a refined, detoxified product and use it to make things better in some way. On a spiritual level, link it to your mind, body, and soul. On a daily level, link it to your work, your routine… that type of thing.  It is a beautiful energy but when done wrong, it can manifest as worrying, anxiety, hypochondriac tendencies, perfectionism, self-criticism and more. 

Aquarius, on the other hand, is seeking liberation from conditioning. I also feel that this is where we find the connection to the collective consciousness. This energy is about you breaking free from the ties that bind you and finally feeling comfortable enough to embrace your unique and beautiful self. On a large scale, this rebellious nature can lead to multiple good and bad outcomes in society at large, but as always, I want you to focus on the things that lie closer your circle of control which means that with this particular energy, it will be important to pay attention to your thoughts. I feel like Mercury will be supercharged to skim the collective consciousness for all of the data, like inputting or downloading information In order to enact betterment or improvement in some way but where I see it getting cloudy is making sure that with this type of energy, you slow down and look to Virgo to put it in metaphorical file folders, review it, and try to make sense of it. 

You are not a computer that stores data, you are an amazing human being that has access to all there was and what will be and the most fascinating thing about this retrograde is that I think if you slow down, you can make this info work for you here on Earth. Aquarius is next level and super objective and Virgo is practical, so I feel like the key here is to slow down, again… get out of the feels, and learn how to comprehend what will be revealed and use what you have learned to make improvements towards your hopes, dreams, desires. Your feelings and opinions of others (basically feelings of others) can make things super cloudy. For more information, listen to the podcast I released earlier this week. Take what is revealed and develop a plan for getting what you want and don’t worry so much about bringing others along or convincing others. 

Be comfortable being yourself and spending some time sorting through your own growth and evolutions and taking action based on DOING BETTER AND BEING BETTER. If you want to be defensive about anything… do that!

Being defensive, just so we are clear, means that you take a stance right now where you do you and the only actions that you really need to take in response to your outside world are actions that help you defend your growth and defend your power and your potential. Not defending yourself with all the feels. It may mean, in the realm of thoughts, though, that a defensive stance also requires you to be willing to defend yourself from old thoughts from limiting beliefs that hold you back. 

This energy is all about being the highest version of yourself in mind body soul and THOUGHTS and focusing that energy on creating your hopes and dreams. If you are finding yourself struggling or in need of adjusting, this is what this energy is for. Turn in and tap into the infinite wisdom available to you and use it to skyrocket your life and your vision beyond the limits of what you think is possible.

Because this information could trigger all the things that aren’t intuition but feel like it, I recommend your next step be to take this wonderful class all about intuition if you are confused on what your intuition is and how to really hear your intuition. You will need to pay attention to it accurately because the consequences of acting off of these other energies that are often mistaken for intuition when they aren’t for your highest and best good could be detrimental moving forward.

Join me on Clubhouse— I’m @yashicalind— on Sunday Jan 31st at 6p PST as I go over this information there. Turn on notifications to the event so you don’t miss it.

Astrology this week- Jan 25-31. Full Moon, Jupiter & Sun Conjunction, & Mercury Retrograde

yashica crumpton
how the full moon january 2021 will impact you

There will be a full moon on January 28th that heralds in a shift in the energy that I have been reporting to you since the middle of December 2020. It’s all good though because I know that if you are here, you want to be prepared because you value the importance of living a rich and meaningful life. The new year energy started in December… the universe doesn’t work on our manmade clock. You were given a boost early to step into the new year right because there is some challenging energy now coming up that you will need to be aware of. For one, at the time of this post, you are already in, what I consider, retrograde energy. And now, with this tense Full Moon in Leo and the lucky Sun conjunct Jupiter energy, I just want to make sure you are prepared.

What the Full Moon in Leo January 2021 means for you

The moon is in Leo, a sign that is all about tapping into your creative power and living from the heart and it’s at odds with the Sun in Aquarius is all about liberation of the mind from boundaries of all kinds. At first I thought this could be a tug of war between coordinating your mind and heart to move in the same direction towards your intentions then as I thought about it… because they are both such strong energies,this could look like strong will, strong egos, a strong urge to think you are right and demand freedom in some way from something that feels oppressive, but it may be done in a way that could be angry or aggressive so also watch out for that. The other side of this coin though, is that nobody has to back what you want to create or validate you and that reaction could fall on deaf ears because, as I always say, feelings are subjective and normally don’t align with the whole truth and Aquarius is not checking for the feels. It is super objective.

The Moon in Leo can create this fire within you to act in order to express yourself in some way, good or bad and it also has this drama with it that makes it want to be on the stage and be noticed while the air orientation of the Sun in Aquarius is not checking for that at all. The Aquarius energy is all about learning to be and doesn’t seek approval from anyone. 

The lesson in this aspect...The people and circumstances that are right for your growth and evolution will appear. How can you be your authentic self, create from the heart, and know that by you living with meaning and purpose, you to matter and you are a unique light in society and you are part of the whole just by living your life to the fullest with meaning, purpose, and tapping into your creative self expression.

Mars is not playing well with this energy and triggering the feels even more so you may feel super emotional. This again, means that you have to find the balance between the heart and the mind before acting and learn how to temper the human propensity to move through life based on feelings and know that if you want to bring your creative vision to life, some detachment and some objectivity and level headedness may be involved. F--K how you feel, what is the right thing to do and WHAT IS THE RIGHT WAY TO DO IT? 

The Sun is in here too just adding challenges and tests to the fire for you to potentially pop off, be assertive and strategic about defending your vision when you need to but if you don’t, just do the work to move your own life forward and worry about yourself *see my thoughts on Leo & Aquarius* -- this is still considered shining your light and contributing no matter what society would like to have you believe as it tries to wrap you up in polarizing issues that further divide us and dissipate our power as a collective OR on a personal level, split your power down the middle instead of you channeling your full power in one direction. 

Don’t make dumb decisions, don’t make rash decisions, don’t be thirsty… just do the damn work and do it the right way lest attract some undesirable situations. Some of the stuff that you are going through needs time to manifest or get better. Compromising and settling for less and not coming from your higher self will put you at jeopardy.

Uranus is squaring damn near everything… kind of… so expect unexpected emotions, truths, changes, ego trips, and the key here is to move slow to move fast and remain agile. Don’t try to ignore or escape what comes up, roll with it and continue on with your strategic actions forward and acting from your higher self. You will prevail.

Now let’s talk about the concurrent juice...

What does the Sun Conjunct Jupiter mean for you

Let’s think about this… so you have ultimate heart and ultimate mind together available and if you can overcome the challenges of this full moon that I mentioned. Think of where that will take you when you are aligned… anywhere. Live big, think big, express yourself in a way that aligns with your hopes and dreams… this = unlocking magic. This is an expansive energy that even if you don’t notice it in the immediacy, you can plant seeds that unlock abundance and prosperity in the future. Although Jupiter is lucky, it technically should be considered an expander which makes luck subjective because all the challenging things related to how the sun plays in this mix could be expanded. As with all “lucky” situations, the choice is yours. You also will need to keep in mind that every action has an equal and opposite reaction so in order to trigger receiving abundance, you may have to be prepared to give abundantly. Don’t be scared but be smart and prepared… heeeyyyy… I rhymed, lol. Lastly, I wanna fill you in on Mercury Retrograde.

All about the Mercury Retrograde of January 2021

The key dates of this retrograde are Jan 30, 2021 to Feb 20, 2021. I teach my community to add a week before and after. I looked at the chart and there are challenges galore so stay on point with communication and avoid tech investments. Focus on tweaking the lessons you’ve learned over the past 2-3 years, re-strategizing your success plan, reconnecting with your tribe, reflect on your challenges to overcome them from a more level headed perspective, and more. I may have to do a whole nother post about how you can prepare for this January 2021 retrograde with all that I see, so stay tuned!

How to set boundaries and protect yourself from negative energy

yashica crumpton
How to set boundaries and protect yourself from negative energy

How to set boundaries and protect yourself from negative energy

Your Guide to Personal Boundaries

A common issue that will come up in your journey of personal development and growth is related to how to develop healthy boundaries. This article will help you understand personal boundaries and their importance in your life, help you understand what healthy and unhealthy boundaries look like in your life, and give you a powerful exercise and tools that can help you move forward to create better personal boundaries for yourself. This article is the perfect compliment to my latest video here.

Have you ever felt like this? Resentful, burned-out, taken, or taken advantage of. Like you have given your all in a relationship or other circumstance and found yourself let down, disappointed, or drained when your expectations hadn’t been met or the energy you invested seemed all for nothing. One reason why these feelings may crop into your life could be correlated to the personal boundaries that you have in your life. 

How are your personal boundaries? Are they healthy? Are they unhealthy? Are they so-so? Or does it depend on who you're interacting with?

What are Personal Boundaries and Why are They Important

Personal boundaries are the limits that you set in your life for not only what you will or will not allow in regards to how you treat yourself but they are also limits for how much or how little you will allow other people or circumstances to impact your life. In relationships, particularly, it is what dictates the acceptable and unacceptable behavior that you are willing to allow .

They are important because they are directly tied to your self image. How you mentally see yourself… your pride… your confidence and sense of self worth in this world are directly reflected in the personal boundaries that you set in your life.

What I often find when I'm working with clients, is when you don't have personal boundaries with the other people in your life, and they're impacting you and your energy and your stability and your emotional well being, it disrupts your personal life. That is where the majority of problems lie and if you sat down and disconnected from that disruptive energy, you would find that you are living a very good life. You have lots to be thankful once you don’t place your happiness on external factors that you don’t allow to impact your life so powerfully and negatively.

Signs of Unhealthy Personal Boundaries

When you don't have healthy boundaries life can downright suck and while it may seem obvious, here are some of the things that will occur to clue you in that you need to tighten up your boundaries. You may have people that treat you like a doormat. Now, let this sink in because especially in relationships, we are taught that, especially in marriage, we need to try to stick it out and go through all these ups and downs even though sometimes those ups and downs can border on disrespect, lack of boundaries, lack of your partner respecting and uplifting and valuing you and invalidating who you are as a person. When somebody is doing that to you that is very intimate to you, it can be very concerning. However, we are taught in those types of relationships that we should stick it out. 

That was obvious, but let’s consider some less obvious ways that could be a clue to you that you lack healthy personal boundaries. Do you experience feelings of being resentful? Think about areas in which you may be resentful because that can show a lack of healthy boundaries.

For some of us, another way this can show up is via feelings of being burned out. You'll talk about work sometimes...you work somewhere where they don't really respect you as a human being and you give so much of yourself hoping for a reward, recognition, or validation for all that you give but when that energy exchange is not aligned,you feel resentful, tired, and dumped on. You know what that feels like right... I know I do. But here is something you may not want to hear. That is your own problem. That wasn't the other person's problem. It took me a while to learn that lesson. Not speaking up for yourself and depleting your energy without an even energy exchange. shows that you have a lack of personal boundaries.

If you find yourself in positions where you are easily manipulated or pushed, you may have a lack of personal boundaries. In a lot of relationships where you feel disrespected, or you feel like your partner, or who they're interacting with, is just telling you what you want to hear in order to gain a reaction out of you or to get what they want out of you and you fall for it. Is that really the other person's problem that you were allowed to be manipulated by something that somebody said? Or do you have a lack of personal boundaries? 

Some of us don't know how to say no, we put everything on our plate. You say yes to things you could do or should do even if you don't want to do it. YOU have a problem saying no and so you end up over scheduled,  over committed,  tired and not having any time for yourself for the things that are important to you and then you wonder why you don't live a life that's in alignment with what you want. Could it be because you’re saying yes to everybody else except yourself? You've already given your all and are tired after all of that. So not being able to say no is a problem with personal boundaries. 

Having a lack of personal boundaries, thereby showing that you devalue your worth and sense of importance, can manifest in many ways in your life. So it is up to you to look for these clues so that you can learn how to be more aware of when you are compromising your boundaries for the sake of other people or situations.

Benefits of Healthy Boundaries

Stick with me here because there is hope. Life can be different for you and it starts with understanding that you have a right to have a life that is more in flow, less stressful, and you deserve to be connected with people that will respect you and be considerate of your feelings. Imagine what your life could be like--You could:

  • Live in your truth

  • Have healthy relationships with yourself and others

  • Live a stable life where you feel more in control

  • Be more in touch with your true reality

Doesn’t that sound better? Well before you get dismissive because maybe you don’t know what to do to get from where you are now to a place where you feel more in control… hold up… I got you! I have a powerful activity that you can use to get you started on your way to adopting health personal boundaries.

Activity to Assess Boundaries in Your Life

Life Inventory Activity

Sometimes taking an inventory of where we stand in life can help us to connect to the actual areas we need to work on so that it won’t seem so overwhelming when you need to set boundaries for yourself. You could fill in this grid to help you get started.

how to set boundaries and protect yourself from negative energy

**If you need help figuring out what you could do to take you closer to building healthy boundaries, you can check out this Personal Boundaries Masterclass along with this handout of Personal Boundary tips.**

So there you have it, having personal boundaries, or lack thereof, is usually a larger symptom of how you value and see yourself. To create more healthy boundaries, it requires you to know that you are worthy of love, respect and consideration. First from yourself and then from others. The activities provided are integral to helping you be more in tune with yourself and your feelings so that you can adequately communicate those to others. Through open communication you can foster healthier boundaries and in turn create better relationships and healthier environments for yourself.

If you want to learn more about why boundaries are important, how to set emotional boundaries, some examples of crossed boundaries, how energy works, and how to protect yourself from negative energy then I have the perfect class for you!

This class also has bonus tips on how to protect yourself from negative energy and some spiritual techniques to protect yourself from negative energy and tips to protect yourself from negative people and circumstances. It also comes with a worksheet with tips to help you protect yourself from negative energy and set boundaries.

You can take the class immediately here!