2023 word of the year — Yashica's Intuition- The Podcast — Yashica's Intuition

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Yashica's Intuition

2023 word of the year

The most powerful word of the year for 2023

yashica crumpton

Today's broadcast is all about the  "Most powerful word of the year for 2023."

I’ve never picked a word of the year but for 2023 I had the urge to pick one and I think my word is one of the most powerful word of the year choices you could pick if you’re serious about getting all of the success without working to the point of burnout.

I’m sharing my 2023 word of the year in hopes that it gives you insight into how I think and inspires you to dream bigger.

The most powerful word of the year for 2023
Yashica Lind


I post updates in real time about my life and business!



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✔️Gain clarity on your goals so that you don't keep feeling like you're wasting your time and energy and not seeing the progress you desire

✔️ Achieve your goals so that you finally get what you want out of life

✔️ Live up to your potential with a sense of purpose so that you feel like you are excelling at the things that are important to you

✔️ Performing at a high level so you get the most out of life because you can perform better and more sustainability without negatively impacting your mental or physical wellbeing.


// S U B S C R I B E.  


New Videos Every Monday (with some bonus videos and shorts sprinkled in)

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Website | www.yashicalind.com

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Keywords: most powerful word of the year for 2023, 2023, word of the year, 2023 word of the year, success, motivation, motivational

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