how to be a leader — Yashica's Intuition- The Podcast — Yashica's Intuition

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Yashica's Intuition

how to be a leader

How to connect with your team better- My top tip

yashica crumpton

Today’s episode is going to teach you how to connect to your team better by providing my top communication tip. This tip seems super simple but I promise you it will teach you how to connect with your team better and relate better to people in your personal life.

If you struggle with proper communication, we did a phenomenal training on communication in our new FB group for Leaders in Healthcare. Go check it out via the link below after you listen to this episode!

How to connect with your team better- My top tip
Yashica Lind

If you or leaders in your organization need help learning high performance habits needed to create success, you can learn more about working with me at

Follow this link to join our new facebook group. You missed the mentorship enrollment but this is the next best thing.

Top skills you can work on now to become a better leader

yashica crumpton

Today’s episode is going to teach top skills you can work on now to be a better leader. These are top skills that you can implement now to see immediate improvements in your leadership practice and on your team.


If you want to learn skills on how you can be a better leader now, then you need to check this out.

Top skills you can work on now to become a better leader
Yashica Lind

If you or leaders in your organization need help learning high performance habits needed to create success, you can learn more about working with me at

Follow this link to join our new facebook group. You missed the mentorship enrollment but this is the next best thing.

Leaders- if you feel stuck do this

yashica crumpton

Leaders- if you feel stuck do this

Today’s episode is going to seem super obvious but if you’re anything like me, I bet you’ll learn that when you feel stuck, your instinct is not to do the obvious, it’s to act in a way that’s counterintuitive to movement and getting un-stuck.


Leaders, if you’re stuck… do this!

Leaders- if you feel stuck, do this
Yashica Lind

If you or leaders in your organization need help learning high performance habits needed to create success, you can learn more about working with me at

Follow this link to join our new facebook group. You missed the mentorship enrollment but this is the next best thing.

As always, if you want to learn more about working with me, go to

Are you really ready for leadership?

yashica crumpton

In this week’s episode I want you thinking about if you are really ready for leadership. I’ve worked with leaders all around the world and they think they have what it takes to be a leader but in all actuality, they miss the mark because they don’t understand what it truly takes to be a good leader so that you can really understand if you are really ready for leadership.

I will go over some top traits in this episode that are what you really need to focus on as part of a 2 part series.

In the end you’ll have some information you need to become a better leader.

🛑🛑🛑 Join in on the fun, the daily livestream starts soon. To get text reminders as well as my top ebook on “Top 5 Mistakes that Leaders in Healthcare Make & What to do About it” text the work LEADERSHIP to 833-231-4407

To get more tips on how to be a better healthcare leader, spread the word, and support the podcast…please rate, subscribe, and share with your favorite healthcare leaders.



Are you really ready for leadership?
Yashica L

5 top tips to decide if you are ready to take the next step in your career

yashica crumpton

With a large focus on healthcare, now more than ever, there are opportunities for you to step up to the next level in your career. Knowing when you are ready to take the next step in your career can be scary but in today’s episode, I’m going to discuss 5 top tips to help you decide if you are ready to take the next step in your career.

5 top tips to decide if you are ready to take the next step in your career
Yashica Lind

Resources mentioned in today’s episode:

How to develop the mindset of a leader

yashica crumpton

In this week’s podcast, I will teach you how to develop the mindset of a leader . I have 7 points that I want to share with you about what it takes to be a leader and things you need to know to develop the mindset of a leader.

How to develop the mindset of a leader
Yashica Lind

This week's podcast is a video podcast so if you aren't already watching it on YouTube but you would like to, here's the link to watch

Otherwise, The Leading in Healthcare Podcast can be found on all major podcast platforms.

👉🏾 Listen to this podcast on how to be more authentic for more tips and tricks:

💥 If you want to learn more about how I can help you or your organization visit #leadershippodcast #healthcareworkers #leadershiptips




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