Full Moon in Sagittaruis May 29, 2018 — Yashica's Intuition

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Yashica's Intuition

Full Moon in Sagittaruis May 29, 2018

yashica crumptonComment

On May 29, 2018 there will be a Full Moon in Sagittarius


Sagittarius rules the 9th house in astrology. The most common theme that is associated with this area is the quest for truth. This is when you have come out into the world and thru experiencing darkness, pleasure,  and relationships with other people, you find that the world is not what you may have been led to believe. Because of this, its like you go on a spirit journey to find your own truth and philosophy. This is usually done thru tests and growing knowledge and experiences. This is why these things are connected to Sagittarius.  This is when we begin to examine our real purpose in life. It's when we create our bigger, more optimistic visions in life and then start to vision how we can go after them to manifest them.


Full moons usually bring closure or culminations and since I am writing this a day after the full moon, I find that it feels a little weird. While some of us may be feeling these highlights or culminations in a Sagittarius-type way, I am almost feeling an element of a more dramatic closure. Almost like an emotional void or a let down in some way which is weird for such a positive full moon. I can only think of a couple things. The first is that today, the day after the full moon, the moon is not making any aspects which could feel a little blah, a little lost, a little lonely. If you are feeling this way, it is OK. I think the weekend will be a little better so hang in there. 

Secondly, this full moon was at 8 degrees, very close to that emotional, subconscious, psychological scorpionic nature that is more commonly associated with this type of energy. We are still playing detective and trying to figure out what is to come of our life, that next step that we feel coming that still hasn't materialized yet. So we are examining things, especially our deeper intimate relationship with others and the relationship that you have with yourself and if it is not what you would like to see, that lonely, disconnected feeling could be creeping in.

Or perhaps we feel like we want to be happy and optimistic and grow, evolve, and explore, but something is not quite right or ready so we feel blocked or held back and we cant quite put our finger on it. I think that if you are reading basic astrology, not to throw others under the bus, but you may be wondering why, although you know you should be happy, you aren't sure why you aren't or feel maybe just a little unsettled. My lovely ones, I am going to have you remember that there are some other things happening below the surface in conjunction with this. Think about Chiron in Aries or Saturn in Capricorn....BTW member Saturn is Retro and don't forget Uranus in Taurus..... things will start to happen, but there is some sort of weird limbo we may be in. Here is another kicker, Jupiter is retrograde and rules Sagittarius making it even harder to find that optimism.

There is a way thru, but that way thru is by going on an inner truth quest to be your own inner guru. You can look outside of yourself for answers but with all these energies working together, the best information that you can get is thru your inner compass, your intuition.



  • Do you need some downtime? Things are about to slow down in preparation for the Mars retrograde so how can you get realigned with your values and only pour your energy into the top things that matter to you? How can you live your truth?
  • In alignment with my first point, what needs to be detoxed?
  • Know thyself... how can you get back to you, your truth, your inner compass.... and stop expecting the outer world to give you the answers? Occult study, esoteric study, alla that stuff... good time for it!
  • If you are in a battle, its ok to fight, but keep it above board, honest and play fair. If you have fallen from your truth, fight to get back to it. (BTW don't be surprised if there is some fighting going on in the collective.... ugh... can't we all just get along?)
  • Play it cool and do some investigating before you come out balls to the wall. Do your research if you want to win at life. Who has done it before you? How have they been successful? What can you incorporate to have a better life?
  • Get a reading. That one is just self explanatory. Even a short, sweet 10 minute reading is enough to gain some clarity, get unstuck, and have information to get you moving in the right direction.






Yashica is a  focused on sharing information and guidance to help you move past blocks and other issues that prevent you from living your happiest and best life. On the blog, you will find a variety of topics that will help you succeed in life such as; horoscopes, astrology reports, free tarot readings, advice podcasts, life advice, videos, and much more. Yashica's Intuition also provides life coaching, life consulting, tarot readings and reiki treatments. The mission, by providing these resources and information, is to help you learn how to use all information and tools at your disposal to stop living in negative patterns and start living your true life purpose. I have physical locations in the Seattle area and also work with clients virtually.

image courtesy of Chani Nicholas

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