Sun Conjunct Pluto Life Changing Weekend- January 11, 2019 thru January 13, 2019 — Yashica's Intuition

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Yashica's Intuition

Sun Conjunct Pluto Life Changing Weekend- January 11, 2019 thru January 13, 2019

Astrology Reports, energy healing info, Life Hacks from Yashicayashica crumptonComment

On the weekend of January 11-13 the divine energies in the sky will dance with each other to create some powerful energy for you!

So we just had an impactful solar eclipse new moon to kick off the new year in Capricorn. You walked into 2018 with powerful Capricorn energy as well. I will, once again, link some of the articles that I wrote and videos that I did to help teach you what to expect since some of you are new here… welcome by the way! Check out Saturn in Capricorn article and these videos #1, #2, #3, and #4.

Let’s now talk about how powerful this weekend is and how it could have an impact on you.


This energy all kicked off very early in the morning on January 11th. When the Sun and Pluto met in the sky, it brings with it an initial period of increased power where you may feel like you are shook to your core to create something powerful for yourself or you may feel like creating something lasting and tangible in your life. Don’t get all crazy and overly optimistic but don’t be a pooper either….. I will talk more about this later. So this energy is powerful and life changing and sometimes we are able to jump in and embrace it but we could also fall victim to self-sabotage. Something in your life may not be the same, including relationships, so look at who you have around you and do what you need to do to to have a supportive and inspiring group of people around you and give no attention to those that don’t.

There is some secret or intuitive information that will be revealed. This is happening to give you more clarity and insight and show you the truth and the way. This assists you you in upleveling and working hard on positive transformation and soul evolution. While I am pumped at what 2019 will bring, I am more excited because with Capricorn involved….. this is something more substantial and something more lasting.

There is this interesting thing that can happen though… where the eclipse can make fated changes that your human self may not have the strength to make, this energy seems, to me, to require an action or choice on your part. You aren’t going to have a different life by being the same person reacting to life the same way, and this seems to be the key here. You will have to DO something to help capitalize on this divinely inspired energy. Because Pisces is involved, I absolutely believe that the core of it all is evolution, spiritual growth and awakening, creativity/manifestation to give birth to something divine (with your intuition being able to lead you the correct way), romantic connection on a soul level, and some deep healing. You can progress and break ties that tear down old structures and create new structures. You can tap into a powerful cosmic energy that you can work with and manipulate to create a totally new life for yourself. You are one with the cosmic womb!

So that’s this wonderful powerful energy you have at your disposal…..

There are always other sides to be aware of. Before I mention this, I want to let you know that I see a supportive energy to help you with this life changing energy so don’t ever feel like you are alone. I do want you to know what it feels like though. Deep changes and transformation can bring with it feelings of deeper emotions, wounds, and other things that may not feel so nice. You have to understand that if you can take the first step, even if it seems really hard or daunting to do so, you will be rewarded with a relationship with deeper parts of yourself or with attaining your higher dreams and aspirations. You will not be able to move to your highest potential if you are not willing to do this. Feel inspired by struggles and don’t let them weigh so heavily on you. Rome was not built in a day and nor was it destroyed.

The other thing that I need you to be aware of are feelings of self doubt, second guessing and mistrusting yourself, not listening to your instinct, or other internal conflicts. Moodiness is absolutely possible, especially if you haven’t been nurturing yourself or others. I would encourage you that as you are going thru this growth that begins internally before it manifests outwardly… to nurture yourself and stay in a nice healing space that you create for yourself. If you choose to exhibit this energy outwardly, you may create unnecessary conflict in your life.

Don’t let this shadow energy take over you. Don’t give up. TRUST! Pull up your sleeves and get to work on your dreams and self improvement because in order for this to work optimally, you must focus your energy and concentration on the tasks or areas that are going to support goal achievement and manifestation. Be realistic trust Saturn because he is helping you see that being inspired and taking massive action is one thing but being foolishly optimistic is another. There may be a bubble burst moment or a test that will show you just how much you will need to keep your feet planted firmly on the ground in order to obtain the next level of success. Now that I am telling you about it, expect it, but don’t let it deter you! Don’t fall into self destructive or emotional behaviors. Embrace the challenges, tests, or revelations because they will orient you towards long term growth.

Lastly, if you have been ignoring shit, STOP IT and give your issues or problems conscious efforts in order to transcend and excel.

Before I let you go, one way that has helped me transform my life was thru the use of tarot. I want you to feel just as empowered and inspired as I was when I was going thru hardships in my life and used tarot to pull me out. I am offering a FREE Live Online workshop for those of you that would like to learn how tarot can be a tool to help you as it helped me. To grab your limited spot, sign up here.


  • This energy could also feel so strong that you may want to run away and escape. Suicide, depression, drug abuse, and obsessive compulsive behaviors could result so please watch out. Get the healing you need. Don’t fight the things you know you need to see or need to change. Stope being overly optimistic or pretending like everything is OK if it’s not…. things will only get worse and escapism is not the answer. Retreating a bit to look into deeper issues with family, sense of self, old patterns is ok. Clamming up is not.

  • What are the things that you want for yourself? Your legacy? Plan that out then get to work.

  • 2019 and beyond could be your year, but not if you haven’t shifted anything in your life…. What do you need to shift?

  • Attend my Free Tarot class.

  • Have patience…. if you trust and believe, hold that image. This is the activation of something, not the culmination.

  • Get a reading. That one is just self explanatory. Even a short, sweet 10 minute reading is enough to gain some clarity, get unstuck, and have information to get you moving in the right direction.




Yashica is a  focused on sharing information and guidancto help you move past blocks and other issues that prevent you from living your happiest and best life. On the blog, you will find a variety of topics that will help you succeed in life such as; horoscopes, astrology reports, free tarot readings, advice podcasts, life advice, videos, and much more. Yashica's Intuition also provides life coaching, life consulting, & tarot readings. The mission, by providing these resources and information, is to help you learn how to use all information and tools at your disposal to stop living in negative patterns and start living your true life purpose. I no longer have physical locations due to relocation but work with clients virtually

image courtesy of Jessica Wright from

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