Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo- January 20, 2019 — Yashica's Intuition

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Yashica's Intuition

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo- January 20, 2019

Astrology Reportsyashica crumptonComment

On January 20 at approx 1116pm CST we will have a powerful full moon lunar eclipse in Leo at almost zero degrees

You will have a powerful lunar eclipse very close to zero degrees. We have been having trends with a significant amount of cosmic energies happening around this degree. It is very important and very telling. Read this article on the importance of zero degrees to learn more.

Because the eclipses are more powerful than regular transits, and the effects of these events can last for a year or more, I want to take a little time to remind you that some of this energy we are seeing culminate was activated by the new moon partial solar eclipse that we had over the summer that was encouraging you to release yourself from doubt and insecurities and burst forth into the world being uniquely you. Think about what may have happened over the summer for you and look at what is rising to the surface now for clues to help you start to learn the cycles of your life and live in a more conscious manner. This will give you clues. My intuition tells me that if things don’t come to a head, then things will kind of reset and you will get a second chance at what should have occurred then.You may also get a second chance to do the things you were supposed to do when you came into 2018 that you failed on. Yes your bubble is burst, but here is your chance. The eclipses are moving into new areas of the sky so grasp this opportunity while you can. Watch my Total Lunar Eclipse 2018 video for more clues.

This will be an interesting and powerful Full Moon and I’m giving you some knowledge bombs so that you can take advantage of this energy


Right off the bat…. this moon comes with a warning. I want you to be easy… strong emotions and strong passions could simmer to the surface requiring great care, patience, and caution in order to not act impulsively. This is interesting to me because it seems like there are metaphoric or literal ties that you are trying to break that are holding you down and keeping you in your safe space… your comfort zone in some area of your life. The problem is, some things are fated and no matter what you do to inhibit growth and expansion (consciously or unconsciously), sometimes you gotta do stuff you don’t want to do. This time is no different. You have been being called to grow and to DO. This has meant being brave but also deliberate in how you act to move close and closer to your destiny. You seem to be easily inspired in fleeting moments but may be torn about what may actually be required to move forward. This conflicting energy makes you feel moments of motivation mixed with moments of self doubt or disbelief… it’s a weird place to be in because some of the work you see ahead of you seems like there is such a big mountain to climb that you are constantly asking yourself why you even bother or get discouraged because the people you feel should be on your side are the very people that don’t support the goals and aspirations that you have for yourself. You feel so restricted so I can understand why you feel this way. Everything is such a damn headache sometimes.

There is a silver lining here though. There is this divine energy that will allow you to channel this built up passion or frustration or emotion into romantic pursuits or your passion project. Luck is available and opportunities are heightened whether you are able to recognize them or not. Success is just on the other side of this uncomfortable situation that you have found yourself in.

Things seem to be bubbling up and coming to a head, especially since this eclipse is a lunar event on steroids. Try to keep control of yourself and avoid making important decisions because you will be unable to take back the things that may occur during moments of irrationality. Bite your tongue and find quiet moments of reflection. Yes, if you want to do something new and positive and exciting, this is OK. However, when it comes to other life events, you must chill because you won’t be able to progress until the dust settles.

To be contradictory, as a person with strong fire energy, I will say that I don’t think outbursts and conflict is 100% negative because it will allow you to initiate a powerful cycle in your life, but if you have the tendency to react rather than respond then you need to chill and turn inward. You are being pushed and you can feel it but you are also being stripped to your core so you can build a new more long lasting, stable legacy. You are being shown the path to evolution. Your mind and your heart are growing in alignment and you can harness this energy to help you break free and ultimately create the life you want and embrace, celebrate, and share your uniqueness here on earth.


  • Trust. Like I said, right now you may not see or understand the FULL story so while things are unfolding, whether you know it or not, if they feel negative or uncomfortable, you will look back and recognize the opportunity that made itself available to you at this time.

  • Express yourself! What makes you uniquely you and how can you express yourself in a way that honors your true self but also lending itself to a connection that you may have with other likeminded individuals. Sometimes your tribe is not your family, it is a chosen set of unique people that are in your corner rooting for you to attain all your heart’s desires.

  • Relationships or connections that are prohibitive will end. Let them. But also there may be some decisions that draw some relationships closer to being more soiid and secure. Intensity is also heightened for creation

  • Have patience…. if you trust and believe, hold that image. This is the activation of something, not the culmination.

  • Get a reading. That one is just self explanatory. Even a short, sweet 10 minute reading is enough to gain some clarity, get unstuck, and have information to get you moving in the right direction.

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Yashica is a  focused on sharing information and guidancto help you move past blocks and other issues that prevent you from living your happiest and best life. On the blog, you will find a variety of topics that will help you succeed in life such as; horoscopes, astrology reports, free tarot readings, advice podcasts, life advice, videos, and much more. Yashica's Intuition also provides life coaching, life consulting, & tarot readings. The mission, by providing these resources and information, is to help you learn how to use all information and tools at your disposal to stop living in negative patterns and start living your true life purpose. I no longer have physical locations due to relocation but work with clients virtually

image courtesy of Matt French and MysticMamma.com Go check out the blog for more information and guidance

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