Weekly Horoscope for February 18-24, 2019 🕉️ Powerful Full Moon, Know Thyself 🕉️ — Yashica's Intuition

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Yashica's Intuition

Weekly Horoscope for February 18-24, 2019 🕉️ Powerful Full Moon, Know Thyself 🕉️

Astrology Reportsyashica crumptonComment
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Who else is ready for a different wave of energy to come in? I know I am! Anyway, while it is a different type of energy, it is calling us to trust and get back to the basics of getting in touch with who we are once all the noise and the dust settles.

To kick off the week, Chiron moves into Aries so make sure you get refreshed on this energy if you have forgotten how this can impact you. I also feel like parts of your romantic bubble from last week start to fade away as the energy this weeks starts off on a more serious note. Some of you may have to deal with the reality of love (even self love) and money, especially if you got too carried away in the energy of last week. The sun will be moving into Pisces. All Monday you may be daydreaming and pondering and may vacillate between moments of misunderstanding, escapism, and melancholy.

This will start to get better towards the afternoon/evening because the energy at that time starts to shift towards favoring expansion and growth. Something is trying to come to a head. You are dreaming about something and perhaps even creating something but trying to focus on what’s next. You could feel a little stuck as things seem to be coming together, albeit not fully, so I can see you, at this time, trying to figure out the next thing that you need to do to propel you towards something lasting. Everything is there or you at least have a mental idea of what you want, but now what? Practically, what can you create to take you to the next level.

On the 19th, we have a Full Moon in Virgo that I filmed a tarot reading on. Think back to six months ago. What were you trying to purify and take advantage of an opportunity to move to the next level but you may have been confused so think about how things felt then and what may come to a head now.

You are now in the baby steps of discernment in another phase of your life to encourage growth and evolution so again, while old things may wrap neatly into a bow, the new things are leaving you confused and misunderstanding the world around you. That can feel super frustrating because on the surface it seems like you aren’t getting anywhere and perpetually confused but please trust, something is happening. The best thing you could do is take it easy and not allow the energy to get you too down. Watch being overly critical or surrendering to negative emotions. Take it easy! The good thing is although this week can feel like you’ve lost your footing, you still have a strong instinct to guide you just when you feel like hope is lost. Check in with yourself. How’s your health, environment, relationships? You can understand what may need to change by checking in with yourself especially when you will run into frustration trying to find answers outside of yourself.

Trust in yourself and a higher power you can tap into to co-create because with careful attention and intention, you can easily step into truth and authenticity. You may not know all the details but taking baby steps toward your bigger vision will be possible and will be all that is required of you right now. Just keep falling forward. Ultimately, you need two things anyway. You need the big vision paired with a careful plan of execution to have a recipe for success and it’s up to you to incorporate both to be successful. This energy can help you with the details while keeping your eye on the bigger vision.

We have had weeks of the possibility of unexpected and shocking things occurring and this week is no different. Beware of acting impulsively when it’s not for your highest and best good. You are trying to examine and heal yourself and the focus should be on YOU so there is this struggle to find balance and harmony in that self truth, love, and value and how that sits in relation to others.

On top of trying to find balance and maintain your sense of self, you are prone to confusion and misunderstanding things. It could be a choice. The truth is sitting right in front of you and highlightng the role you play in the unhealthy things you allow into your life. You will be challenged to keep your mind focused on the positive things you want to create and pay attention to how you come across to others. There is a clear opportunity to move towards progress but it requires a mindset shift for you to start the chain of events in the direction you would like to move. Setting clear boundaries can also help you. You are able to focus on tasks and family but depending on what you are individually going thru, it could feel negative or positive.

I already mentioned that you would have to still watch out for impulsivity but I want to stress that you will constantly have to be surveying your environment for triggers so that you are prepared to respond in flow rather than react to your experiences. Healing and self care activities are favored as well as manifestation and visualization activities. What is the next step for you? Where do you really see yourself? Especially given your current actions, relationships, and environment. What needs to be done to release so that you can become the best version of yourself? Become your own healer, your own guru. What’s gonna make you feel healthy and whole? Take that thing and do it for yourself.

As the week closes, take the beautiful healing energy that starts on the weekend and into Sunday and close out the week on a positive note. Hopefully the anxiety and hypercritical energy is decreasing because there is a chance to dig into the details of healing, restructuring, and totally changing something in your life into that thing that has a more solid foundation or routine that is lasting and more aligned with who you are supposed to be but you must meet this energy halfway.

Here is a brief video synopsis of the weekly horoscope:

In a couple days, I will be hosting a FREE online Tarot Class. If you haven’t claimed your spot, there is still time to sign up!

Until Next Time


Yashica is a  focused on sharing information and guidancto help you move past blocks and other issues that prevent you from living your happiest and best life. On the blog, you will find a variety of topics that will help you succeed in life such as; horoscopes, astrology reports, free tarot readings, advice podcasts, life advice, videos, and much more. Yashica's Intuition also provides life coaching, life consulting, & tarot readings. The mission, by providing these resources and information, is to help you learn how to use all information and tools at your disposal to stop living in negative patterns and start living your true life purpose. I no longer have physical locations due to relocation but work with clients virtually

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