Weekly Horoscope for February 25- March 3, 2019 🕉️ The Universe is Snatching Wigs 🕉️ — Yashica's Intuition

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Yashica's Intuition

Weekly Horoscope for February 25- March 3, 2019 🕉️ The Universe is Snatching Wigs 🕉️

Astrology Reports, tarot readingsyashica crumptonComment

What a week. I feel mixed about this one. I mean we all need a little come to Jesus moments here and there. Even if you don’t like them, they are usually for your highest and best good. Well …this is a week where we might get snatched.

As we step into the week there is a big opportunity that you can grasp geared towards deeper evolution and change. You can apply deep thinking to your hopes and dreams and pour energy into self renewal and rebirth in some area of your life. This is an opportunity you can use to meld with yourself and those you deeply care about on a deep level and create real, solid foundations. Once you open up the space for this sacred opportunity, the universe is going to rush in and open up access for you to gain deep insight and wisdom that will feel very supportive to you.

There is some juicy deep energy on your side to facilitate deeper internal and external connections. You must take what is revealed and make something of this. It’s there for your taking. I believe everything you need will be laid out right in front of you…. front and center…. smack dab in your face! It may even feel like a smack upside your head. It is meant to encourage healing, growth, and expansion and this big opportunity can be something that you need that you may miss if you are not living consciously. That doesn’t sound like an opportunity does it? It sounds intense. Of course, if you are letting things build up and not walking in your truth and honoring your journey then of course this won’t FEEL like an opportunity. The biggest way to snap out of this….. stop pretending like shit is a 10/10 when it’s really a 2 or a 5 or an 8. You ain’t there yet and it’s all good to have dreams and visions about a bomb future, but what are you really doing, practically, to manifest what you desire?

Moon conjunct Jupiter in Sag can make for some feel good moments this week and if you feel like the universe is being hard on you, you must listen…. you have the support to get past it all and have a renewal to expand in your life but it will take getting real because if you don’t keep it 100% authentic, you will find out very quickly that you have either bitten off more than you can chew, or that you need to get out of lala land and into reality. Refusing to step out of the illusion will break you down. I cannot stress this enough, your have the ability to positively impact your life and legacy by paying attention to the cosmos and responding in turn to what is revealed. Yes, it can feel disruptive but it is imperative for you to know that the opportunity to progress is going to stem from you moving differently in this world and daring yourself to expand and then having the courage to act. Trust that everything will be OK.

You also have this beautiful trine aspect available to assist you in taking steps in the direction that you need in order to manifest what you want. Earth energy is easy to work with at this time so you can use the energies available to take initiative on self improvement and also the things you want for yourself related to family/legacy. You are able to grasp opportunities to strengthen your bonds within as well as your bonds with other people this week.

Moving into the end of the week, you may notice this buildup of energy that may cause you to act uncharacteristically in love or may heighten the need for you to keep an eye on your finances, especially if you have have felt restricted or deprived in someway or the tension that was building this week gets the better of you. You may feel like you you want to spice things up or shake things up a bit which is ok when done in a positive, proactive manner. Pay attention to this feeling and act accordingly so that you are not shaking things up in a way that is self-destructive. Don’t sabotage your bigger goals for temporary feelings that may not even be interpreted correctly (Mercury retrograde energy is starting FYI).

I think if you get intuitive hits that seem strange, you can see them as a catalyst to help you create luck on your path. You are really going to have to check yourself because this energy can make you feel like things are worse than they are really are which will require loads of self-awareness and self-discipline. All this could be very overwhelming. Turning to trusted friend, writing about it, or being more social and getting out and about will all be very helpful. The whole weekend is actually good for socializing.

All the feels will start to subside…. a little…. as you get into the weekend. You may feel a little more pulled together. This is a good time to regroup and get back on your game. You still have Uranus bringing in unexpected surprises but you can absolutely channel this energy productively into bringing fresh new spirit into the things in your life that are outdated and played out…. things that need a refresh.

Self-care Sunday is definitely in order to just recuperate from the week and work out all the emotions and feelings that surfaced and just get realigned in preparation for the upcoming week

Check out the bonus Tarot Reading to go with the horoscope that I filmed for you here:

Also, I had a great time in the Intro to Tarot Workshop. Many people have asked for a replay and I did not record it, however, I will be releasing a version of this webinar in the form of a video with slides and a worksheet that you can pre-order for a low price of $9.97 here and it will be sent out on or before March 2. It will also go up in price at that time.

Lastly, don’t forget that I have launched a 4 week Intro to Tarot class starting March 11 where I will be coaching students thru gaining their tarot foundation. You can learn more about the class here. It is introductory priced + 30% off for only a few more days. Thank you to the students that have already enrolled!!!!! I can’t wait!




Yashica is a  focused on sharing information and guidancto help you move past blocks and other issues that prevent you from living your happiest and best life. On the blog, you will find a variety of topics that will help you succeed in life such as; horoscopes, astrology reports, free tarot readings, advice podcasts, life advice, videos, and much more. Yashica's Intuition also provides life coaching, life consulting, & tarot readings. The mission, by providing these resources and information, is to help you learn how to use all information and tools at your disposal to stop living in negative patterns and start living your true life purpose. I no longer have physical locations due to relocation but work with clients virtually

image courtesy of Tarot Illuminati

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