Weekly Horoscope for June 3-9, 2019 — Yashica's Intuition

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Yashica's Intuition

Weekly Horoscope for June 3-9, 2019

Astrology Reports, Life Hacks from Yashicayashica crumpton
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We kick off the week with the New Moon in Gemini. I will be streaming live on my instagram June 3 at noon CST. Make sure you follow me over there and check notifications. I am going to possibly attempt dual streaming to my Facebook page, but I can’t make promises so Instagram will be the main platform and I will be discussing the new moon at that time.

Interestingly, to me, this New Moon in Gemini looks like it would feel like a full moon to you. I guess that makes sense since if something begins, something also must end…. I’m gonna just say that there’s a kinda full moonish feeling for you. It’s like you are moving closer to what you need to move forward and gain new understanding. There is this almost constant analyzing of situations, people, and yourself in order to decide what deserves a permanent space in your life.

Your mind and soul are changing to help you align with something better that is a more positive match for you. What do you keep? What do you change? What do you need to learn to grow and mature and expand… to keep stepping into your truth? There is definitely a deep restructuring going on.

This mental/internal shape shifting, I feel, will be a theme for you at least until the eclipses in July, so hang tight. Depending on how this energy for the week impacts you, you could experience feeling like your logical, rational side and your intuition are working in synchronicity or it could feel like things change so much you feel like you have developed a touch of ADHD or rapid mood swings (if you are prone to these things, pay special attention). It’s going to be up to you on how this plays out.

You could act out of character and create issues for yourself but what I would encourage you to do is to continue to internally process what is coming up for you as I advised last week. That is where your insight and answers are going to come from. Inside of you! I know it’s annoying when you hear people say that shit, but it’s true. There is an opportunity to find safety and security in some way. Again, you may notice this internally or externally and I think it will be something positive and in the area of core emotions or home and family. There may be some family issues or deep emotional issues that trigger you to work on healing them.

Equally as confusing, you may also find that home or family is a place of solace, protection, or downright irritation. For the most part, everything will work itself out but there may be a sense of coming up on long standing foundations and issues that stem from these sources. What you may particularly discover is that some of the things that have been limiting you and holding you back are linked to these areas. Try not to retreat or do things to escape (too much wine…. overeating…) if you find this energy to be impacting you in a negative way.

Because you are still trying to work through things without fully understanding them or without having all the pieces of the puzzle, this is a time where you may be prone to acting too fast or letting your guard down…. DON’T. Also, since other people are just as confused or triggered as you might be, be patient with them and allow them space to process their own shit without trying to influence or manipulate them.

When among people that are healthy for you and feel like family, you’ll feel safe and secure. This could, again, cause you to lower your guard. In a trusted environment, this may not be as bad, but you could be encouraged to do things that don’t serve your highest and best good or go against your better judgement. This seems like a time where you really want things to be positive and you want to feel good so you will do almost anything to make that happen.

Another area of tension this week is related to giving and getting…. give and take…. in some area of your life. Are you giving to someone or something in your life because you genuinely want to give? Or are you you consciously or subconsciously doing it to gain something in return?

Close to Friday, there is some good energy for you to take advantage of in relation to flashes of insight or strokes of genius and using this new information to create something of value for yourself. This may come from friends or family and while the information, when it initially comes in, may strike you suddenly or have you taken aback, it will be exactly what you need for your highest and best good. This could even be something that is a catalyst for positivity in love or creativity. It is a very fertile energy for new things. I would encourage you to try and be out and about and to be willing to come out of your shell a little bit. Have some fun and let your hair down without getting too irresponsible. Be willing to be flexible and let your heart be generous and authentic and you will find that this serves you well. It will be very expansive for you.

As the weekend unfolds, you may feel like chilling and taking it easy. I think this is a good thing for relationships. In a solid partnership, this is a time to just chill with each other. If your relationship is more questionable, you may experience issues.

Because you feel like letting the seriousness of the world fade away and you feel like letting go a little bit… letting loose, watch for allowing behaviors that aren’t in alignment with your values or ethics. As the Moon moves into Virgo, you can expect energy to shift into a focus on detoxification and refinement, particularly of trying to find a place for all the information swirling inside your head. What is useful? What is bullshit? This energy can have you all up in your head but I think it will ultimately be positive for you to further work through deep emotional bonds that keep you from being your best but watch the hypercritical slant on this energy. Your mind is mentally stimulated but try not to let yourself go into information overload without giving yourself time to process what is coming in. Especially because I sense that you will be searching for meaning and information all over the place and outside of yourself to gain understanding.

If family members need help (not co-dependent stuff), this is a great time to be there for them and show up for them. It will give you a renewed sense of connection and purpose. The energy is very empathic though, so watch out for that as it could leave you uneasy but in actuality, you are picking up on someone else’s energy.

Pay attention to your energy and others, and overall, try to end the week on a nice, light, and easy note.

Until Next Time,


Before I let you go, I want to let you know (or remind you) that I have started a private Facebook group. I will be holding an exclusive mid-year goal setting masterclass in the group for the month of June (there are monthly masterclasses planned that you can only access Live in the group).

Click the picture below to learn more!

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