Yashica's Intuition

New Moon Solar Eclipse December 2020 Astrology Predictions

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I love this New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. There’s this fresh energy in the air linked to optimism, adventures, knowledge, and full of possibility. It’s like there is a vision on the horizon and you aren’t afraid to act more bravely and boldly to embark on a new cycle of thoughts à feelings/attitudes à behaviors to possibly start to live a life on purpose… with more purpose. All of the lessons, all the ups and downs … the are shapers of who you are but you are now able to see how you may have let excuses/ blame/ limits get in the way of you living with more meaning so guess what…

This is your time! Your time to rise and walk your talk in a big way, which could be tied to a new inspiration and a new direction with more insight and clarity or an idea that acts as a catalyst for a potentially major change. This is huge because normally we get a vision but lack clarity or understanding on details, execution, and strategy or the reverse. I feel that that with these placements there is both a vision and a plan and with the power of Mars adding fuel to the flame to increase the chances that you feel inspired and invigorated if you so choose.

If you’ve taken my class on intuition, here’s the thing. You will have insights and increased intuition but remember what I taught you regarding your intuition. There is a definite difference between your intuition and instinct, impulses, and ineffective thinking. Now, more than ever, you will need to now the difference so that you can use this energy to cause positive impact as it could go the other way and be dogmatic and lead you down a totally impulsive, self-righteous path or some other issue with undesirable outcomes.

There is so much flow! Your actions that you take based on personal decisions and convictions are favored. Physical activity is favored as well but watch overdoing it as there is a lot of passion and vigor here combined with over optimism. Use this passionate energy responsibly and avoid what I see could be behavior that is aggressive as hell.

This is a good time to make strategic powerplays in love or finances. I see that you could be the catalyst in creating change and transformation that causes a positive impact. Knowing yourself on a deep level, forming powerful, intimate bonds and making powerful financial moves. All are possible, but it’s not about wishful thinking, it’s about understanding the full picture so that what needs to go, goes and what stays is there as part of a rebirth.

The Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter conjunction is still in effect (although that will be shifting as both Saturn and Jupiter move into new signs to usher in some powerful changes in relation to the element of Air. That means there is still a call for structural disruption, breaking free from conditioning, highlighting longstanding issues that aren’t working, etc., and at the same time offering the opportunity to rebuild on a more solid foundation. I love this source of potential energy because it could allow you to create healthier boundaries in love and money, assist with investments that can stand the test of time, and allow you to adopt healthier standards for yourself.

There are some of you that are persistent in wanting to hold on to delusions which could create tense energy or some friction… maybe you either want to move forward and you feel like you can move forward on your hopes and dreams but you may do so lacking the forethought or the feeling of creativity/spirituality/romance/etc. Trying to move forward in a way that doesn’t create something powerful in your life is a waste of this energy but don’t overestimate what you can get done but don’t continue to underestimate yourself either.

Rethinking things and doing things differently and better than you have done in the past is key. This isn’t a matter of proceeding the way you have always done things. This is an opportunity to do things in a new and different way that is closer to you stepping into your destiny and learning new skills that can get you closer to stepping into your destiny and learning new skills that can get you closer to your hopes and dreams. I feel like this is a pivot. An opening of a new door or a new chapter in some way in your life. As always, the ball is in your court. What will you choose?

I can remember many times in my life where I have felt like on the journey to be my best self, I would often feel lonely. I grew up in an awesome home with an awesome family, but I sometimes felt like a loner because no one thought the way that I did. It was never the fact that I wasn’t grateful for what I had, I just wasn’t satisfied with falling in line with conditioning and rules… even though in a roundabout way, I followed them for a long time.

There were two opportunities that were impactful in my life that helped me see that I wasn’t alone and they both involved me getting outside of my comfort zone and meeting people like me from all over the world. The first was when I went to bootcamp and the other was when I joined a mastermind.

As an introvert, in both instances, I struggled with staying in my little quiet safe space vs forming connections and relationships. I am glad that I was brave enough to choose the latter because to be in a circle of women and hear them talk about their personal life, their goals and aspirations, and more… it helped me realize that life wasn’t as lonely as I thought and both of these instances have created bonds in my life with amazing people that will never be broken.

We helped each other learn and become more powerful because we were able to help each other through ups and downs and because we were all different even though we were also the same *wink* we also were able to help each other with advice and accountability to hit our goals. You could feel the positivity and the power that solidified our bonds and the confidence that we all gained as a result of working together and supporting each other.

That is primarily the reason why I decided to add group offerings to Yashica’s Intuition. Specifically, right now, the membership because enrollment will be closing soon. The Personal Mastery Membership is the place where you want to be if you want to learn new skills, challenge yourself to achieve greater success, and take a deeper look at yourself, your life goals, and more in order for you to make the changes you need to make to either get on the right path or stay on the right path. This journey doesn’t have to be lonely. You still have time to join us!