Crystals: How Crystals Work and How Crystals Heal — Yashica's Intuition

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Crystals: How Crystals Work and How Crystals Heal

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What are Crystals?

Before I get into explaining this, I want to let you know that sometimes you will hear us healers refer to our stones and crystals under one umbrella term of crystals even though, technically, they are not the same thing. For the sake of ease and understanding, know that there are stones, such as lapiz lazuli, there are rocks, and then there are crystals. If you stay tuned, at the end of this post, there is a webinar replay that you can sign up for to get even more info on crystals.

Back to crystals…. Crystals are naturally occurring, “nonliving”, solid pieces of matter that are arranged in what is called a crystalline pattern. That is why they are called crystals. Crystalline means that the molecules that make up this matter are arranged in a repeating geometric pattern. Rocks and stones may be a mixture of crystals, minerals, and other pieces of matter.

How do Crystals Work?

If you remember anything from your science classes as a child, then you may remember that even if something appears solid and immobile, such as when you look at a chair, that if you were to look at the things that make up the chair on a molecular level, you will see movement of those particles. Those moving particles are in motion at different speeds depending on the composition of the chair. Similarly, the particles that are moving at the molecular level when examining the chair will be moving at a different speed than the molecules that make up a piece of glass, for instance. The characteristics of this movement is sometimes called vibration and that vibration emits a frequency.

Because each crystal is a unique pattern of molecules that are vibrating in their own unique way, they all carry different and unique vibrations. These unique vibrations emit power, frequency, and energy that is used in a variety of ways. Electronics and watches is just one example of where crystals are used. In watches, quartz crystals are able to maintain a precise frequency that makes your watch more accurate. It does this thru vibrations that emit a certain frequency. Crystals work similarly in electronics as well.

If you can understand the usefulness of crystals in these instances, think about how you could use them in your own personal life and use the unique properties and energies that crystals have to help you transmute energy by the movement of that energy. One thing to think about, let’s take a high vibrational crystal such as the amethyst you see in the title of this blog post, high vibrational molecules can often move into areas of low vibration, thereby uplifting the vibration in the lower vibrating area. This is another way that crystals work.

How can Crystals help you heal?

As I have explained, crystals have different unique energies, vibrations, and uses. When you choose a crystal, you are inviting the vibration of that particular crystal into your environment so that you can benefit from what that crystal has to offer. You can benefit from their energy by wearing them, carrying them, or placing them in your environment. You and the combination of things in your environment all give out energies and vibes and the crystals are able to add their vibes into the mix to disrupt the current energy and transmute it into what that particular crystal does as I explained with the example of high vibes effecting low vibes or how vibes correlate to frequencies.

Think about how someone with a low vibe can suck the life out of the room and someone with a high vibe can add life to the room. Crystals are the same except since they are made in a perfect crystalline pattern, they are vibrating purely and #unbothered (most of the time).

If you pick a crystal that is linked to an energy that you need to tap into to help heal, that crystal will help you transmute the energy that needs it’s help. That is basically how crystals can help you heal.

How do I know what Crystal to pick?

I have a couple of things that can help you. First, I have a book on Amazon that goes over crystal healing. You can check out the book, Crystals: 10 Crystals for Beginners to Start Healing Now by Yashica’s Intuition, here for less than $4 or FREE if you have KindleUnlimited.

I also did a webinar a couple of years ago where I went over several crystals that can help you get your life. I went over 6 crystals and their uses and went more in-depth about which ones to pick, what they do, and how they can help you. I even went over how you can place them in your environment to make them more powerful. It is an information packed video and this replay is available totally FREE. Sign up Below to watch the replay instantly.

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