How to protect your energy — Yashica's Intuition

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Yashica's Intuition

How to protect your energy

yashica crumpton

Everyone doesn't need access to your energy!

  • Do you ever find yourself feeling anxious, depressed, or drained after being around certain people or being in certain circumstances?

  • Do the feelings of others impact you in a negative way?

  • Or maybe you feel like you feel all your feels plus everyone elses and you end up feeling emotionally and energetically drained.

  • Check this out... maybe you feel depressed, depleted, and emotionally exhausted sometimes and you don't even understand why.


Just because there is negativity around you or just because you feel a momentary feeling of being down, you must understand that you don't have to let it impact you long term.

There is a way you can stay grounded, protect your energy, and vibrate higher.

Let me show you how in my new, free Protect Your Energy Class!

*FREE* class: Protect your Energy

As humans, we were designed to be connected to other people. It's part of the experience. This is what makes being a human so amazing. When things are going good, when we are happy or in love or feeling supported in life, let's admit it, there's nothing that feels better than that. Not only can we feel our own good feelings in life, but we can also pick up on the good feelings of others. That's not usually the problem right, we all want to feel good. The problem comes up when we are absorbing the energy and feelings of others and those feelings are more negative. That's where the problems arise!

All human beings have the capacity to be empathic but you might be more sensitive and pick up on these energies more than others. This is awesome because it makes you more compassionate and understanding of other people but it is a double edged sword. You may have times in your life where you feel misunderstood and even overwhelmed by all the emotions that you pick up on and feel. You care so much and that can make you feel heavy. You also may struggle with getting your alone time to process things and replenish yourself. You may even battle with "simple" things like going to the store and participating in other social events to the point where you dread even going to public events... especially if they aren't low key.

I've had clients that have struggled in relationships because they've had people take advantage of their kindness, or not understand why they can't get over it-- They give so much to everything and everybody that they forget to hold emotional space for themselves. Self Care...Inner Work... What is that?


Is this you?



Your ability to understand your own emotions and regulate how you pick up on energy and emotions in your environment can dramatically change your life and you can learn how to do this in my FREE class where I will teach you how to Protect your Energy.


If you're ready to learn more about your energy, what it really means to be empathic, energetic boundaries and how they work, and easy methods to protect your energy, this class is for you.

What: This is an online class to teach you how to protect your energy. I would plan for an experience that lasts approx. 2 hours. This free class will be geared towards the following things:


You will learn:

  • How to energetically protect yourself from negative energy

  • To be able to disconnect from negativity

  • How to identify the source of negative energy

  • To quickly restore your own energy reserves

  • How to send protection to others

  • How to use other tools to increase energetic protection

  • Understand the different levels of being an empath and how to shift to a level of healthy empathy.

  •  And More!!! 


It will be an online class for those that are serious about learning all about how to protect your energy so there will be NO REPLAY! I will provide you with everything you need to be successful in the class, you just need to show up.

When: August 26th at 7:30pm CST

Where: Online webinar/zoom style format. Link to log on will be emailed before the class. You click the button below, provide your valid email address, receive a link from me before class, and get ready to join me on the class date for some information that can help change your life.


You can go from depressed, feeling depleted, and feeling overwhelmed by all the feels inside to learning the true power of empathy and how to regulate it so you feel more balanced, steady and less drained.


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