The only thing you need to make lasting change — Yashica's Intuition

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Yashica's Intuition

The only thing you need to make lasting change

yashica crumpton

In today's episode, we're going to continue our discussion from last week and go over the only thing you need to make lasting change.

If you feel like you need a simplified version of what I'm saying, then this episode is for you!

The only thing you need to make lasting change
Yashica Lind

If you like what you heard and want to get help and support with learning and implementing what I'm teaching you in these episodes to become a better person, a better leader, and finally cross over to living the life you want to experience, then take a look at my New Year New You group coaching program. We start in Jan 2023 and we'll be deep diving on change and you'll get all the support and accountability you need to start the year off with a bang.

Learn more at

Keywords: the only thing you need to make lasting change, how to change for good, 5 tips to change your life, inspiration, productivity, how to change your life, habits to change your life, change my life, life changing habits, change your life, self improvement videos

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