How to stop procrastinating — Yashica's Intuition

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Yashica's Intuition

How to stop procrastinating

yashica crumpton

This week’s article is all about how to stop procrastinating. The mind is hardwired to go for short term wins over long term benefits and to do the opposite requires discipline on your part. In this day and age, with all that’s going on, it’s easy to focus on the immediate tasks at hands rather than thinking about long term consequences but putting things off till later so that you feel good in the now is detrimental to your career and your long term effectiveness as a leader.

In this episode, I want to introduce you to some different types of procrastination and help you understand why procrastination is a low level feeling that impacts your career negatively.

Listen and download the episode here!

How to stop procrastinating
Yashica Lind

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