Delegation- Doing the work vs leading — Yashica's Intuition

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Yashica's Intuition

Delegation- Doing the work vs leading

yashica crumpton

Today’s podcast is a replay all about delegation and learning how to lead the work vs do the work. It’s taken from our most recent series of 21 lessons in leadership we did over the summer.

In today’s discussion we will be covering Delegation so you can shift from doing the work vs leading. The reason why you have risen to the top and are now in a leadership position may be partly based on your past performance which is fine, but we did discuss how leaning on that could be the kiss of death.

The real reason and purpose for your leadership is to focus on higher value activities and team development. Many leaders (and team members that they lead) make the mistake of thinking that if they are always jumping in and helping the team or being totally “hands on” that they are a good leader and while that is needed from time to time, it is not what you were hired for. At that point you are no longer a leader right? You have things that you are accountable for that only you can do, that’s, in essence, why you are in a leadership position.

You need to understand that you can’t and shouldn’t be in the trenches all the time or doing everything and in today’s discussion we will talk about why that is.

Delegation- Doing the work vs leading (1)
Yashica Lind

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