How your team picks up on your energy — Yashica's Intuition

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Yashica's Intuition

How your team picks up on your energy

yashica crumpton

Today's Mindset Monday broadcast is about how your team picks up on your energy.. I wanted to share a personal story to show you how the things you think you’re hiding affect your job. Your team picks up on your energy whether you or they know it or not but this quick episode can help you begin to turn things around.

How your team picks up on your energy
Yashica Lind

🛑🛑🛑🛑 The Leading in Healthcare Mentorship is now open for enrollment 🛑🛑🛑

If you're a leader who is sick and tired of feeling:

✔️like you're unsupported

✔️ like you're trying to do your own work plus keep up with the demands of the team

✔️ like you feel growing stress or may even feel burned out

like you're starting to feel unfulfilled and starting to question your growth

✔️like you haven't been set up for success with skill sets to help you grow to the next level

✔️like you don't have a voice

✔️like you need help but can't find the proper resources you need

And you want to:

✔️Decrease your sense of overwhelm

✔️Get training on the top skills you need to be a better leader (i.e., motivating your team, communication, time management, difficult conversations, evaluations, and more)

✔️Learn the secrets of top performers

✔️Have the support of a safe space with leaders like you so you don't feel alone

✔️Have access to top level, high performance coaching and mentoring


I have great news for you!

The Doors are open for the Leading in Healthcare Cohort #2 Mentorship and it's going to help you get the tools and support you need FAST!

🛑 Get more info: 🛑



I post updates in real time about my life and business!

// NEED 1 on 1 Coaching or Team training?

I am a certified coach that can help you or your team adopt high performance into your life to get all you want and more.

✔️Gain clarity on your goals so that you don't keep feeling like you're wasting your time and energy and not seeing the progress you desire

✔️ Achieve your goals so that you finally get what you want out of life

✔️ Live up to your potential with a sense of purpose so that you feel like you are excelling at the things that are important to you

✔️ Performing at a high level so you get the most out of life because you can perform better and more sustainability without negatively impacting your mental or physical wellbeing.


// S U B S C R I B E.

New Videos Every Monday (with some bonus videos and shorts sprinkled in)

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Keywords: how your team picks up on your energy, how your energy affects others, leadership, business, team, shifting your state of being

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