New Moon in Sagittarius & Mercury Direct December 2018- Some thoughts — Yashica's Intuition

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Yashica's Intuition

New Moon in Sagittarius & Mercury Direct December 2018- Some thoughts

Astrology Reports, energy healing info, Life Hacks from Yashicayashica crumpton

On December 6 at approx 322pm CST, Mercury goes direct…. December 7 at approx 120am CST is the new moon, and approx 152am CST Chiron goes direct

I will only be focusing on the New Moon in Sagittarius but I will be adding in the surrounding energies which would allow you to understand how Mercury Direct might feel along with Chiron Direct. I would encourage you to check out some information I have already provided about Chiron in Aries to give you a deeper understanding of how that energy may feel long term.


I am low key mad at this new moon. With all energies, you have to take the good with the bad right? But I get all pumped for a mini fresh start when a new moon comes in so when it has difficult aspects, I get a little upset. Don’t get me wrong, I do think there will be an activation of the beautiful potential of the Jupiter in Sagittarius transit that I spoke about earlier, but if you pay attention to what I said, Jupiter can bring with it a dichotomous energy. That is why, rather than harping on the new moon only, I must tie this all together as I normally would in my YouTube videos…. which will resume shortly because I found my ephemeris. So here we go!

I have been in this state of suspension almost. Can’t move forward, not really moving backwards though, so it makes me frustrated and you have insinuated that you feel the same. Well now, we have all this astrological activity and the new moon that is sandwiched in-between this energy that could have the potential to cause emotional mood swings and periods of not feeling grounded. While your intuition may be on 10, you still have to sort thru all the information coming in so that you are able to separate fact from fiction. Watch making a mountain out of a molehill. What Mars is doing around this time can cause extreme volatility that does not mix well with our tendency to be confused or be in our feelings.

Because there is this confusion and ungrounded energy in the front side of this new moon, you could be apt to miss some blessings in disguise. It doesn’t mean they will pass you up…. I’m a firm believer that if it is meant for you, it will manifest… but it may just be hard to understand that what transpires is truly a blessing because new moons are all about new beginnings, not culminations….. things take time to ripen.

For some of you, Jupiter and Sagittarius may have you promising too much or biting off more than you can chew and when you get burned out, you become resentful and with this energy, you decide to come for people’s neck…. but you may be the issue because you have boundary issues. Work thru your shit internally before you open your mouth. I mean that….. journal… stew on it….. literally bite your tongue. If it’s not an immediate safety issue, it is not urgent. Keep your mouth shut.

Since Mercury Direct in Scorpio happens right before the new moon, the beginnings of starting to understand something may be trickling up which could be very helpful for some of you but shocking for others of you because you may be so confused that you can’t see the truth until it knocks you upside the head. It’s ok. It’s important to be graceful with yourself no matter where you land on this spectrum because until Mercury gets back to around 13 degrees in Sagittarius, I wouldn’t expect anything left but a half ass understanding and continuous readjustment of however this energy touches our life.

Bottom line is while absolutely potentially lucky, you have this burst of emotionally and energetically charged wave of energy that you can channel into putting action behind new beginnings and expansion or you can use it to pop off or act without seeing the big picture and stumble a bit. This is a sensitive time where you can internally reflect, alone….. you don’t need people to validate you…. to dream big and soar beyond your wildest dreams. If you understand what I am saying, the stuff that you have worked so hard on for approx 3 years ago till now, will start to receive blessings beyond your wildest dreams or you will have an opportunity to start a new truth and a new quest for yourself that you will reap rewards from within the next few years. Be patient, trust, ask, believe, and receive…. things are happening and there is awesome energy to play with in order to manifest, you just have to stay woke whilst doing so.


  • I would encourage you to read the article I just posted about Jupiter in Sagittarius because this is a perfect time to dream limitless but focus on the details that are going to take you to that next step in life and help you accomplish something you would have never dreamed of.

  • Journal and spend this time in quiet reflection. Write down your dreams. Our intuition is working in overdrive to help you understand things and guide you because our minds are not working on 10. Also, I encourage alone reflection because you are confused. What seems to be the solution or end point may move several times so acting impulsively may be a bit of a problem.

  • Don’t be so quick to discount what your are going thru, how can you look for the blessings in disguise? Keep your mind and heart open… answers are still unfolding.

  • Keep your big dreams private. This not the time to share because you could get your feelings hurt. You can absolutely start to work on your dreams keep your magic strong… keep it to yourself.

  • Have patience…. if you trust and believe, hold that image. This is the activation of something, not the culmination.

  • Get a reading. That one is just self explanatory. Even a short, sweet 10 minute reading is enough to gain some clarity, get unstuck, and have information to get you moving in the right direction.




Yashica is a  focused on sharing information and guidancto help you move past blocks and other issues that prevent you from living your happiest and best life. On the blog, you will find a variety of topics that will help you succeed in life such as; horoscopes, astrology reports, free tarot readings, advice podcasts, life advice, videos, and much more. Yashica's Intuition also provides life coaching, life consulting, & tarot readings. The mission, by providing these resources and information, is to help you learn how to use all information and tools at your disposal to stop living in negative patterns and start living your true life purpose. I no longer have physical locations due to relocation but work with clients virtually

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