Weekly Horoscope Reading for the Week of December 10-16, 2018 — Yashica's Intuition

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Yashica's Intuition

Weekly Horoscope Reading for the Week of December 10-16, 2018

yashica crumptonComment

Just thought I would stop by real quick and let you know about the energy of the week so you can be forewarned and prepared.

The week begins in a super sensitive but super intuitive space. Mercury is making some positive aspects in Scorpio giving you a huge opportunity to look deeper beneath the surface to examine and heal something that may have wounded your ego. This thing could be holding you back from your next step or you could have been unknowingly getting in your own way, but there is a quiet opportunity all week to work thru some of this energy to move forward. You can start to move towards your ultimate potential if you are willing to go deep and stay open. You may try to avoid this type of energy…. maybe you are too busy to do the deep work… but avoiding it only prolongs your circumstances and growth so the choice is yours.

You do have to watch your actions this week because the lines are blurred this week and any action taken could be impulsive and immature resulting in further damage and inhibition of your growth. You also will be highly frustrated if you have been trying to rush the process. THERE ARE NO SHORTCUTS for this type of transition you are going thru. If you need a gentle reminder, here are a few: Saturn in Capricorn, Saturn Retrograde, A december horoscope as a reminder, and more….. just browse thru the blog.

Mercury is getting closer and closer to that clicking point where things start to make more and more sense…. about the 13 degree-15 degree point that I spoke about when I let you know about Mercury Direct and the New Moon that just passed. This understanding can start to click as early as Wednesday evening or thru the weekend. It also may take this long for some of the impact of the New Moon and Jupiter in Sagittarius to start to shift in. You are in this struggle of trying to break free from established boundaries to start to forge a new expansion in some area of your life. This is the understanding phase, not the action phase. Things are slowly starting to click. It, to me, will be ultimately a positive transition although, I won’t lie, it looks to be an uncomfortable type of growth.

With all these emotions, revelations, and downloads, there could be some confusion and this is where I will reiterate….. you must use sympathy and compassion with yourself and others during this time period as we move past this time of growth, awareness, and healing.

As we end the week, the Aries energy will step in and try to bring balance by knocking us out of such a deep and heavy energy. We may feel ready to act or feel inspired to move towards these new opportunities. That’s fine, but the action must be a baby step, then a pause to process…. lather, rinse, repeat. It is not something you can rush or bull dose. Trust the process and have a blessed week!




Yashica is a  focused on sharing information and guidancto help you move past blocks and other issues that prevent you from living your happiest and best life. On the blog, you will find a variety of topics that will help you succeed in life such as; horoscopes, astrology reports, free tarot readings, advice podcasts, life advice, videos, and much more. Yashica's Intuition also provides life coaching, life consulting, & tarot readings. The mission, by providing these resources and information, is to help you learn how to use all information and tools at your disposal to stop living in negative patterns and start living your true life purpose. I no longer have physical locations due to relocation but work with clients virtually

image courtesy of honeythatsok.com

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